Rupert Murdoch’s Unholy Alliance with The GOP, & in particularly with Ronald Reagan. Gave rise to Fox News, the radicalized violent Alt-Right & ultimately Donald Trump.All of this bile came about through this singular act. In the thirty some odd years Rupert Murdoch’s “courtship of white supremacist hate,” has ironically had a unforeseen side effect. It has made it’s way “Down Under”to his home region. The hateful “News organization” his own home nation “Australia wisely rejected”,as being too dishonest and extreme. Now it looks like the cows has come home Rupert, to your own backyard, and you can’t put the genie back into the bottle.

Murdoch had already forged a relationship with the Thatcher government in Britain, which had paid handsome business dividends for his media group, and the partnership he established with Reagan came on the eve of his move into the US media scene and the creation of the Fox News franchise which would establish Murdoch as the champion of the American Right.

March 15, 2019


Hate Has Consequences…

Alleged New Zealand Mosque Mass Shooter’s Manifesto Praises Donald Trump As ‘Symbol Of Renewed White Identity’

Author: thewatcher399

l am an individual who enjoys good conversation debates and opinions. I love to discuss a wide spectrum sw issues. Generally of current social situations happening today. I am a classical JFK liberal and a member of the Democratic party. So you understand my political stances. I like to think that I am open to different views.That's me folks.

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