Harry S Truman 1952

“Little Bird”: The terrifying possibility of what a Christian nationalist America could look like |

If Christ was around today he would ‘Not’ be a Christian………. Mark Twain. Lets Stop Them And Wipe These Christian Nationalists Out In 2020.

The Christian Right and White Nationalist’s Nightmare America.

‘It takes only 2-5 years to destabilise a nation…The next stage is crisis. It may take only 6 weeks’ Listen to this ex KGB agent’s eerily prescient account of ‘active measures’ of how Russia seeks to destroy its enemies through chaos

http://‘It takes only 2-5 years to destabilise a nation…The next stage is crisis. It may take only 6 weeks’ Listen to this ex KGB agent’s eerily prescient account of ‘active measures’ of how Russia seeks to destroy its enemies through chaos

(C/o @brexit_sham)

Nov. 3 is coming. We have the power, it’s our country, we own it. We own our government. We should act like owners. What we’re seeing in Donald Trump, who is just the symptom of deeper problems, is the wages of 40 years of people renting out their interest in the government, saying, “Let somebody else take care of it. We’re going to behave like renters.” We can’t do that if we want to be a free people. The American people must be civically engaged.

Pulitzer winner David Cay Johnston: Will Trump’s America ends in “firing squads”?

http://[Pulitzer winner David Cay Johnston: Will Trump’s America ends in "firing squads"?]

Amazon’s ‘The Man in the High Castle’ fascist fantasy ends amidst America’s sobering reality

American evangelicals rejected a reality-based world — so Trump was able to reshape them in his own image.

He has these hillbillies locked up in his pen and he knows it. His brand is on them. He is at home among them. Since his earliest days, indeed, his chief strength has been among the folk of remote hills and forlorn and lonely farms. Now with his political aspirations all gone to pot, he turns to them for religious consolations. They understand his peculiar imbecilities. His nonsense is their ideal of sense. When he deluges them with his theologic bilge they rejoice like pilgrims disporting in the river Jordan…

H.L. Mencken

We Have A “Stochastic Terrorist” In The White House.

Recommend Reading:

Christian pastor: I’d support Trump ‘even if he ran a dogfighting ring on Mother Teresa’s grave while having multiple affairs’

How Do You Spell Cult ? KKKult.

Ex-pastor warns Trump embrace will destroy evangelical Christianity: ‘I don’t think it’s going to end well’

The National Prayers Breakfast.

Who are they?

A insightful peek into the “Men of God”and the organization that spawn them “The National Prayers Breakfast”founded in 1935. Orbiting and supporting “God’s guy” _Donald Trump.

http://[Here’s the truth about the shadowy group behind the National Prayer Breakfast – Raw Story]
Scary bunch ugh? They’re the people who live next door, your neighborhood is probably full of them. They want you to get with the program and accept what they think is right for you. They’re willing to accomplish that goal too _”by any means necessary”quoting Malcolm X. We can’t let them suceed and that’s also is by any means necessary.

Think of The Handmaid’s Tale coming frightfully true?……… Little Bird tells a scary story.


Mike Pence scorched as a prime example of why people hate religion

– Raw Story

http://[Mike Pence scorched as a prime example of why people hate religion – Raw Story]

White evangelicals should ‘panic’ because they’re losing a whole generation of Americans: Conservative columnist – Raw Story. newsrepublic

http://[White evangelicals should ‘panic’ because they’re losing a whole generation of Americans: Conservative columnist – Raw Story]


Losing an entire generation to self entitlement, bigotry, racism and hate. A legacy of shame and eventually everlasting contempt for the rest of us. Below is a true “Man of God” who in the 1940s had the courage to do the right thing.

Sept. 21, 1947 Parents protest after St. Louis Catholic schools are integrated.

http://[Sept. 21, 1947 Parents protest after St. Louis Catholic schools are integrated]

Archbishop Joseph E Ritter made the decision to integrate the schools and instructed his priests too read his letter to all who were offended in each parish. That “they will be excommunicated from the church”, citing “he follows only a God” who loves all regardless of their color. Now that is the definitive Man of God.

White Male Privilege 101: Tutorial

The Holy Trinity of White Male Privilege

Ah Poor Babies…

Can’t get laid huh?

The Story of the Incel Is the Story of the 2010s

In the last decade, ‘involuntary celibate’ has come to define a distinct kind of modern masculine rage and misogyny.


White folks can still say what they want, but this part of that freedom has changed

  1. >Powerful white males with privilege days are on the endangered list.
    >Unbearable fragility and other lies…
    >TheRealAKhaled ___ Bret ‘Bedbug’-Stephens shows how little it takes to be an actual bedbug——8——————-e3505434_647b_4586_bd65_3bbd0ec83e0d—2aa7eb56abb6—

Special Addendum:

⭐WMP. 101

Pointing “Weapons@whitecops” and living to tell the court your sob story

http://[Conner Gets 184 Months In Federal Prison After Pointing Gun At Officer And Appearing To Pull The Trigger]

Attention Angry White People: 8 New Rules

Speak English? You first! _ As the English would scold the “Racist White Ugly American”, we Brits created the language and you’re speaking a crappy poor version of it.

It’s going to get really lonely on that ‘Whites Only” racist little hill.


The Yamabushi Monks of Japan Documentary.

[Why Indian TV may never see a Dalit equivalent of Black-ish]

Can you imagine watching a television sitcom in India that showcases the prejudices of the upper-caste communities and religion of India under the guise of a comedy show?

Can you imagine watching a television sitcom in India that showcases the prejudices of the upper-caste communities and religion of India under the guise of a comedy show?

“Moscow Mitch”______________________  Today’s Republicans, conservatives, and Teabaggers are  “. . .the jackals, the cowards, the traitors, the failures,  the yapping feist pack that tries to drive out truth;  those who dislike Jews, Negroes, Catholics and liberals;  the bitter and evil persons who organize themselves and  send out hate literature; the Klan types,  the States� Rights diehards, those who dynamite churches,  synagogues and homes —  they are the abscesses in America�s society. ”  — Ralph McGill, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 1968________________________That Republican Party is also led by Mitchell McConnell. Whose got a few skeletons of his own________________ In his intolerant closet.

He Can Run But He Can’t Hide. Joe Louis.

Quote of the day
“The greatest remedy for anger is delay.” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca

In 1967, Mitch McConnell was court-martialed for sodomy but was quietly released from active duty thanks to the intervention of a Senator

This well hidden side of Ol Mitch really sheds a lot of light in his deference to Donald Trump don’t it? The fanatical willingness too go to any level to obstruct, run pass interference and even put his on political future for Trump on the line. It becomes chrystal clear now, “someone once did it for him” a person with immense political power. A powerful senator also like him covered up his shame and bailed him out of a devastating sexual scandal. That would have destroyed his future political ambitions. In Mitch’s sick warp sense of empathy, he sees the 1967 closeted Mitch McConnell in Trump, someone needing salvation.

Some Information concerning Mitch’s ‘hero’.

Senator John Sherman Cooper (R) Kentucky

Senator John Sherman Cooper (R) Kentucky

The Consummate Bridge Builder

“Cooper realized that you need to be able to work with others,” McConnell says. “Today’s opponent might be tomorrow’s ally, so there’s no use in holding grudges and burning bridges. To that end Cooper was the consummate bridge builder.”

Strangely Senator Cooper was the embodiment of everything Mitch isn’t. Honorable,decent,compassionate and empathetic a true humanitarian. The man’s public service was actually quite exemplary, counter too everything that defines the weasel Mitch McConnell is today. I believe if Senator Cooper was here today, being “the Liberal he was”, he will reject everything McConnell stands for and harshly condemn him. The strings he pulled for McConnell to yank his sorry ass out of the scandalous mess he created,I believe Senator Cooper would have personality cut those strings with a pair of scissors. Too be a “proud Liberal” in a party that treated liberalism like a sexually transmitted disease in the sixties, that alone speaks volumes for the man. I’m convinced he wouldn’t be too happy with “the current Republican Party and their obscene president Trump” either,they would a disgrace too him.

More: Moscow Mitch..

And The Kremlin- owned NRA.

Frederick Douglass’s 1852 Condemnation Speech: “What to the Slave Is The Fourth of July”?

 “For it is not light that is needed, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder,” he said. “We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake.”

Just to add context to Frederick Douglass’s speech mind you he gaved it in the 1850s, more than a hundred fithy years ago. Frederick Douglass won his freedom from being a runaway slave. Most likely he had to conjure up every scheme and survival technique possible, from apprehension by “Slave Patrols” actively searching for him. He did manage to get too freedom, I’m more than certain Mr Douglass if he was alive today and witnessing a black male led down a public street in handcuffs. By white patrolmen on horseback wielding a leash around his neck could relate to this scene, from personal experience. He will be appalled that it’s happening in the 2019…How poignant are his words, and how little has things changed since his times, those ring words still are true to this very day.

Police on horses lead Black man on leash through streets

The True Independence Day of Black America………….June 19.1865.

Frederick Douglass’s “Fifth of July” Speech..

To some, celebrations of American independence on July 4 are a reminder of the country’s hypocrisy on the matter of freedom, as slavery played a key role in the nation’s history; even today, America’s history of racism is still being written, while other forms of modern-day slavery persist in the U.S. and around the world. For those who feel that way, July 5 may be an easier day to celebrate: on that day in 1827, 4,000 African Americans paraded down Broadway in New York City to celebrate the end of slavery in their state.

The Motivation:

Statue of Frederick Douglass. West Chester University, CC BY-NC-ND

Frederick Douglass’s motivation too write the speech came from psalm 137, often referred to as the “Song of Babylon”in reference to the exile of the ancient Hebrews too Babylon.

The Inspiration for the Speech: (

Related Links:

[Meet the Bemans, a family of African Americans who shaped the Abolitionist movement from Middletown]

http://[Meet the Bemans, a family of African Americans who shaped the Abolitionist movement from Middletown]

Frederick Douglass photos smashed stereotypes. Could Elizabeth Warren selfies do the same?

http://[Frederick Douglass photos smashed stereotypes. Could Elizabeth Warren selfies do the same?]

Dismantling the Myth of the “Black Confederate”

A new book explores the false—yet oddly ubiquitous—belief that black men fought for the South during the Civil War.
[The disturbing link between modern-day mass shootings and sl patrols – Raw Story]

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