The Terror Attacks of Christchurch, New Zealand happen there,yet stamped on these attacks are “Made In The US”; the killers clearly were inspired by American Far Right luminaries. Citing “Donald Trump and Right Wing Troll Candace Owens” the White Supremacist Terrorists manifesto were filled with zenophobic racist and anti immigration rhetoric. The points made could have easily been lifted from “The Republican National Platform, the language in the manifesto is so similar. The Conservative Right may need to take a “real hard long look in the mirror” and make a decision. Is this who I am and who I want too be?

Understand that one of those high-profile global figures is the president of the United States.,amp.html?__twitter_impression=true
Understand that dehumanizing people and painting them as the enemy makes it easier for those capable of mass murder to act. The words don’t pull the trigger, but they motivate the mind.

Author: thewatcher399

l am an individual who enjoys good conversation debates and opinions. I love to discuss a wide spectrum sw issues. Generally of current social situations happening today. I am a classical JFK liberal and a member of the Democratic party. So you understand my political stances. I like to think that I am open to different views.That's me folks.

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