The Ugly American.

Trump’s America


Rick Wilson of The Lincoln Project
This video doesn’t exist

Evangelical magazine founded by Billy Graham calls for Trump’s removal

The Miserable People AUGUST 1, 2018 / JOHN PAVLOVITZ

These are the wildest of ironies: Their President is in the White House, their politicians commandeer the House and Senate, the Supreme Court is tilted In their favor—and yet they still manage to feel themselves oppressed, still picture the world unfair, still rage against a machine they’ve made and are part of. So many of them claim faith in Jesus, and yet live in almost polar opposition to his example.

The evangelical belief that Trump is the messiah is more rampant than you think — and dangerous

John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

The Religious Right: White Evangelicals

A Late Thank You Letter to America For Ending Slavery

So on behalf of the more than 4,600 black people who were lynched or killed in racial mob violence in the 100 years after the Civil War, I’d like to say, thank you. I thank you for the thousands who were terrorized and disarmed by the Ku Klux Klan immediately after the slaves were freed. We appreciate the separate water fountains and the back door entrances, too.

Pardon My Poor Manners……….


White people.

On Tuesday, political commentatoretiquette instructor Kate Pavlich, who fills Fox News’ mandatory blonde position on Outnumbered, appeared on the Trump Support Network to remind viewers that negroes have never formally thanked this country for ending slavery. Gurgling a mixture of privilege-flavored white tears, Pavlich’s voice quivered with ignorance as she chastised people who blame America for slavery.


Wait…I haven’t been outside today. Is there a mule tied to my mailbox with a deed for 40 acres? Did reparations checks come in the mail? When did America “make good” on chattel slavery?

By Golly!

Gee Thanks!

The Black Panther Party and The NRA…… The NRA love to boast of their unwavering support of the 2nd Amendment..right? They blinked once, hold on to your Venti Frappuccino.

We’re for the 2nd Amendment………………..except if you are a Black Male.

Check out @PaulJon54388869’s Tweet:

Libertarianism is a form of white supremacy: economist

Libertarianism “is a Frankenstein’s monster that got its lightning-bolt juice from massive resistance to the Civil Rights Movement.”


What are the beliefs of the Libertarian Party?

Libertarianism (from Latin: libertas,meaning “freedom”) is a collection of political philosophies and movements that uphold liberty as a core principle. Libertarians seek to maximize political freedom and autonomy, emphasizing freedom of choice, voluntary association and individual judgment.

Libertarianism – Wikipedia

High Profile Libertarians.

Ron Paul

Rand Paul

Paul Ryan

Libertarianism is a form of white supremacy: economist…..

Raw Story

Raw Story…

“But if the economic libertarian cause of dismantling the New Deal could be harnessed to the cause of white supremacy—if one of the key liberties that libertarians were fighting to defend was the liberty to discriminate against and oppress the Negroes—then all of a sudden you could have a political movement that might get somewhere. “


Libertarianism says my rights and the government right to discriminate against you for, let’s just cut straight to the chase and cut out the bull. Is “I’m white and particularly male” and I can discriminate against you. Regardless of your equal and constitutionally guarantee protections. Basically, I don’t care about any group other than I the ruling class. I hate to be the bearer of bad news to the libertarian,as a redneck would say,”That dog won’t hunt” _as a reminder to the libertarian, there was a epic period in American History called The Civil Rights Movement. That if pressed that movement can motivate at a moment notice again can fight your type again. Tamper with our rights in the name of your rights? Try us and let’s see what happens.

The Terror Attacks of Christchurch, New Zealand happen there,yet stamped on these attacks are “Made In The US”; the killers clearly were inspired by American Far Right luminaries. Citing “Donald Trump and Right Wing Troll Candace Owens” the White Supremacist Terrorists manifesto were filled with zenophobic racist and anti immigration rhetoric. The points made could have easily been lifted from “The Republican National Platform, the language in the manifesto is so similar. The Conservative Right may need to take a “real hard long look in the mirror” and make a decision. Is this who I am and who I want too be?

Understand that one of those high-profile global figures is the president of the United States.,amp.html?__twitter_impression=true
Understand that dehumanizing people and painting them as the enemy makes it easier for those capable of mass murder to act. The words don’t pull the trigger, but they motivate the mind.

The Chickens of “Hate, Racism and Bigoted Intolerance”, have come home to roost in the “Trump Era” of the GOP. Not all of them are American.

“It has become an acceptable plank within the Republican Party to demonize Muslims,” said Robert McCaw, government affairs director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, the nation’s largest Muslim advocacy group.

March 15, 2019


The Radicalization of The GOP

http://Still, the jabs at Islam are set apart by their sheer ugliness as well as by companion efforts aimed at restricting Muslim civil liberties and immigration.

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