The Ugly American.

Trump’s America


Rick Wilson of The Lincoln Project
This video doesn’t exist

Evangelical magazine founded by Billy Graham calls for Trump’s removal

You Might Be A Communist…

Make America Great Again

Trumpster’s “Communism” Obsession.

When losing an argument with a Liberal the default hysterical fallback line Trumptards use is the “old reliable” accuse the person who disagree with them as being a communist? As predictable as the next sunrise the same old worn-out screech….

Loyalty Without Questioning, Loyalty At All Cost

I Can Shoot Someone On Fifth Avenue And Never Lose Their Support..

and scream……….. All You Libs Are Communists! While wearing t-shirts like this..

Now There’s A Pair of “Commie Slinging Real Murican” Patriots!

Who’s the communist loving traitor? Well?

We’re waiting.

Comrade Putin proudly holding up his bouncing baby trump!

That’s the standard usual weak lame tagline, “communist, communist and did I forget to say communist” again?

Could it be that it makes for an awkward situation to defend Trump’s clearly dictatorial tendencies? The fact is that he isn’t even trying to hiding those tendencies now? The histrionics would have some credence, except for one glaring issue. They the Trumpsters and their Dear Leader Donald Trump “worship and defers to Vladimir Putin” __The once “USSR / KGB agent who then a communist” spied for the communist agency. Who to this very day as Russia’s president is still directing Russia to continue spying on the United States. Vlad is trying to reinstall as much as possible the old Soviet system, and he is doing it on the backs of Trump’s followers and the traitor Trump himself.

So stuff your communist bullsh*t.

The lame hollow threats of communism is just as the Houston Press article tagged it as, a weak attempt to justify a would be fascist dictator reasons to remain in power.

More Racist Right Wing Trumpers Communist Fixation.

Now in my hometown Houston a group of white supremacists heading to the Woodlands to find those dastardly Commies…..(Houston Press)

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